Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Alexander Technique and Posture

Alexander Technique and Posture.

I have this ongoing fantasy of leaving this as my outgoing message on my office answering machine.

“Hi. I’m Wendy. Yes, I am an Alexander Teacher and happy to meet with you for a lesson. If you are a person suffering from chronic pain (back, knee, shoulder, neck) or from depression or anxiety; a performer who would like new insights into being present on stage or in auditions; a corporate executive wanting to improve your public image; or a person just hoping to be a bit more comfortable in one’s self and plain curious about the dozens of ways this work can improve your outlook on bi-pedal life…please leave me a message.

BUT…no, I don’t teach posture. Sorry. Rest assured, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the Posture Police. So. If you just want to sit up taller, save your money, push up your spine, brace your ribs, lock your jaw and there you are sitting up tall. You don’t need me for that…you can do it all on your own. Save your money and stay home! BYE!”

[beep of machine…]

Well. I can dream, can’t I?

So. Jokes aside. I hope my point is clear enough. Please don’t reduce the Technique to just good posture. Of course the Alexander Tech and improved posture are a lovely duo, a happy couple that will have long and fruitful marriage if we treat ourselves well. For sure, improved posture is a bi-product of good use. But, let’s not get over-focused or myopic, shall we? Should we put too much weight on the whole posture thing…well, we just get mush. And it’s boring. Gotta say …a terribly boring thing to 'teach'. Good Posture. BORING.

Now, Good Use. That’s a different story. I love to teach that. When we stop tensing and bracing…everything – freedom of joints, breath, thoughts, muscles, digestion, circulation …:”the Works” can really motor along nicely. Now, that’s satisfying and fun. Rejuvenating, uplifting and empowering. Very interesting thing that. Good Use.

What is Good Use to you? Don’t be quick to answer, but see if you have any ideas or feelings about this concept, Really seeing, feeling and sensing what’s happening here and now is the best lesson always. With your head and neck, your breath, your gaze, your facial muscles, your lower back, your knees, etc. Everything. What do you sense? Is your weight going up or down? Have you recognized how long your spine is today? Are you pushing up? Or pulling down? Is your head thrown back in a constant state of 'freak out' or is it balancing quietly on top of your spine? Can you feel the difference? Does it make SENSE to you? Right on the spot. See, sense, feel where you are. For now. Appreciate your whole self. And recognize that the consequences of pulling down, bracing, tensing and holding, habitual misuse that comes about from daily living, go far deeper than your posture. Just appreciate Everything about your psycho-physical-neurological self and take just a sec and notice where you are in space? Are you pulling up? Falling down? Squeezing, holding and making yourself tense all around?

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Happy days,

Saturday, November 5, 2011

REIKI Sessions - Actors Equity Health Fair

Hi Folks. I am thrilled to announce that I'll be offering Reiki sessions at this wonderful event next week. The Free Health Fair & Flu Vaccination For All Entertainment Professionals Presented by Better Wellness and You (BWAY) and The Actors Fund takes place at Actors Equity Building, 2nd floor on Tuesday, November 8from 10-3. The wonderful Janet Pearl has assembled an amazing group of panelists and practitioners so please come support, take adantage of this marvelous experience. In addition to myself, Alexander lssons, massages and nutrition coaching, mammogram appointments will be also offered and much, much more.

About Reiki. "RAY-KEE" is a Japanese technique for stress reduction discovered in the early part of the 20th Century by the physician Dr. Mikao Usui. A hundred years later, this gentle and non-invasive healing practice is offered at hospitals, wellness centers and spas throughout the world for its medicinal effect. Closely related to and just as effective as acupuncture (but without needles!), Reiki involves the open and warm touch of the practitioner's hands which encourages the release of tension. Such tension produces stress, pain, fear and negativity that live unnoticed in the body for indefinite periods of time, causing harm we don't even want to think about. When we take responsiblity and shed such harmful blocks... our central nervous system quiets down and our sense of wellbeing and balance is replenished. We are then able to be present for ourselves in a much more empowering and expansive way.

REIKI helps heal
psychological disorders - anxiety, sleep, tension headaches
physical pain - relief from cancer treatments and other serious illnesses such as auto-immune diseases; back pain; shoulder or neck pain, etc.
emotional pain - grief, anger, fear, depression, etc.

The benefits of a session are immediate and long lasting with people frequently leave stating that they are 'blissed out.' Makes sense! When we aren't holding on and worrying about things, we fall into a deep state of relaxation that leaves us free and open to the life source energy that is ours. All ours. Bliss out, people...come bliss out. Feel free to call me with any questions. I greatly hope to see you on Tuesday, November 8th!!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Demonstration of The Alexander Technique - The Power of Perfomance

A Demonstration of the Alexander Technique will be held on Sunday, September 25th, 1pm - 2:30pm. If you’re in town this weekend, please swing on by. These monthly demonstrations continue to be a fun (and cheap) way for me to introduce myself, offer a bit of hands-on work and discuss the benefits of this wonderful stress-reduction technique.



WHEN: Sunday, September 25th 1- 2:30 pm

WHERE: At The Alexander Technique Center for Performance & Development

330 WEST 38TH, Suite 805 (Between 8th and 9th avenue)

Please make a reservation...space is limited and I need a headcount.

Bring comfortable clothing and be prepared to move.

Until next time...hope you're all having a sweet sort of day. It's your day after all. So why not take just a sec and notice where you are in space? Are you pulling up? Falling down? Squeezing, holding and making yourself tense all around?

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Happy days,

Friday, May 20, 2011


This week the lovely Teva Bjerken and I assisted the fabulous Bill Connington at the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan where Bill leads a ten-week course on the Alexander Technique to people with Parkinson’s. Subsidized by NYU’s Parkinson and Movement Disorder Center, this program is that rare phenomenon where neuroscience and various healing modalities come together to help a community in need. This endeavor certainly reflects positive changes in health CARE and is a rich reminder to never give up thirty seconds before the miracle. In addition to Alexander classes, other practices such as yoga, Pilates and Nia are also being offered. That neuroscience is examining the profound effects such routines offer to those who are ill is beyond exciting. VIVE LA REVOLUCION!

So. Alexander and Parkinson’s. What’s the relationship here? In a nutshell, Parkinson’s robs a person of his or her neurological reality, Alexander restores it. But how exactly? Well, that’s what this whole research business is about so the answer is still in the works, but here are some observations from the Field at Large, or my two cents if you will. The touch of a teacher’s hands is key. This specific technique offers remarkable results because it is a learning brought about through touch. This hands-on technique, the specificity of the teacher’s touch, offers physical and emotional support as well as a holistic (psycho-physical-emotional) sensorial re-education like nobody’s business. Shazzam. Oh…and it feels yummy too. It’s gentle, restorative and empowering. To understand the proper coordination of head-neck-back-limbs is profound and practical all at once. And it can be learned. We can understand what that's about. By learning how to undo muscular tension that is causing harm, people gain insight into how to take better care of the Self and leave lessons with a greater understanding of what to do and what not to do (more importantly) in order to feel better. That’s profound on any day of the year but never more so than when struggling with a degenerative illness. So…with firm touch and verbal instruction, a teacher coaxes a person to slow down and find better coordinative patterns that bring about greater postural strength, greater muscle elasticity and tone (providing better coordination of breath) and the return of certain motor skills. An empowering hour was had by all. For a few minutes a day, they are back in the driver’s seat…breathing and moving in a poised and confident manner. What could be more exciting and heartwarming than that? Not much.

Comments from Students with Parkinson’s.

“I didn’t know I could do this [stand and breathe].”
“I feel so much better. I have so much more energy than I did before class!”
“Your hands helped me slow down and notice my feet…I don’t remember to do that often.”
"When you touched my left knee, the tremoring in my right knee went away and I immediately felt calmer."
“I don’t need to press down on myself while I am sitting. I can use the back of the chair to let my spine go up.”

Eureka!! I'm in Alexander heaven, people.... Alexander Heaven. If you have a relative, or know of anyone struggling with Parkinson’s who might want to check out this work, this is an ideal place to explore it. Since it is subsidized, the cost is minimal to the student ($5 a class or something). Information can be found on the JCC website, http://www.jccmanhattan.org. Phone number: 646.505.5700. Once on the site, click under health club and follow to cancer and parkinson’s fitness programs to see the schedule of classes.

Until next time...hope you're all having a sweet sort of day. It's your day after all. So why not take just a sec and notice where you are in space? Are you pulling up? Falling down? Squeezing, holding and making yourself tense all around?

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Happy days,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hi Friends. Wow...where does the time go? Can it be almost April? It is, it is. I have always loved this time of year, even as a kid. Living on the East Coast the four seasons have shaped my habitual use as much as anything else. With Persephone's magical return from Hades, the world always seems to burst open overnight, doesn't it? To this day, the scent and sight of flowers popping up out of ground sends a message right through my own spine. Go up, go up...free up...It's spring, it's spring...life...life! Yes...i am drawing on Fantasy Island! The Plane, the Plane! The beauty of possiblity leaves me happy and centered. I want to dwell here (thanks, Emily Dickinson). Here, where I am immediately at ease, poised, empowered, excited and incredibly grounded all at once. I breathe deeper knowing good times are ahead. Seeds ripen to fruits and flowers, catepillars crack into butterflies...Yay! Another winter gone. Life is Biutiful. I now can stop protecting myself from harsh weather and shed the need to do battle. I was never going to freeze to death...but it sure felt like it walking down a New York street in the dead of winter.

So. here's a question for you. What part of you is sitting in the dead of winter, even now? That's what we do you know. We hold, we hold, we hold those places where we shiver in fear, dread and angst. We hide. We doubt. We hold. Until we decide not to. Until we say let's not go there...let's find a lighter space, a stronger space...hey...let's just find space, shall we? In honor of Persephone, my demo is all about finding spring in your step and space in your jaw. Trust me...your lower back will love it too. Come see what this wonderful game of expansion is about.....

Better balance, coordination and a happier state of mind
• The release and prevention of chronic pain. Bad backs, frozen shoulders, hip and knee problems, stiff necks, chronic anxiety and depression, shortness of breath and severe stage fright are a few of life’s daily challenges that are alleviated through this work
• Greater core strength and a heightened sense of the power that comes with being a bipedal vertebrate. YUP…we’re on two feet folks, count ‘em…two. Learn how to be less reactive and become more responsive and open to your environment.

And MORE!!



WHEN: Saturday, March 26th 1-2:15

WHERE: At The Alexander Technique Center for Performance & Development

330 WEST 38TH, Suite 805 (Between 8th and 9th avenue)

Please make a reservation...space is limited and i need a headcount.

Bring comfortable clothing and be prepared to move.

Until next time...hope you're all having a sweet sort of day. It's your day after all. So why not take just a sec and notice where you are in space? Are you pulling up? Falling down? Squeezing, holding and making yourself tense all around?

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Happy days,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


You can’t do something you don’t know if you keep on doing what you do know.
– F.M. Alexander

What: A Demonstration of the Alexander Technique. Developed over a hundred years ago and now taught throughout the world, the Alexander Technique is endorsed by both The British Medical Journal and Oprah Magazine as an important tool for healing back pain and for preserving one’s overall physical coordination and balance.

When: Sunday, Feb. 27th from 12-1pm.

Where: 330 West 38th Street, #805 (Between 8th and 9th Ave.)

The Benefits
• Better balance, coordination and a happier state of mind
• The release and prevention of chronic pain. Bad backs, frozen shoulders, hip and knee problems, stiff necks, chronic anxiety and depression, shortness of breath and severe stage fright are a few of life’s daily challenges that are alleviated through this work
• Greater core strength and a heightened sense of the power that comes with being a bipedal vertebrate. YUP…we’re on two feet folks, count ‘em…two. Learn how to be less reactive and become more responsive and open to your environment.

To reserve your spot or for further inquiry email wendy_allegaert@yahoo.com or call 646-696-0288

About Wendy
An AmSAT Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique teaching in Manhattan and Queens, Wendy Allegaert completed her 1,600 hr (three year) training with senior teachers John Nicholls and Nanette Walsh and continues to work closely with them as an assistant on their training course, AT-NYC. She loves teaching what this freeingup can 'do' for self expression, self-esteem and PLAY. Also an experienced professional actress and Reiki practitioner, Wendy’s great passion is teaching how the Alexander Technique empowers people in performance on stage…and off.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


You can’t do something you don’t know if you keep on doing what you do know.
– F.M. Alexander

What: A Demonstration of the Alexander Technique. Developed over a hundred years ago and now taught throughout the world, the Alexander Technique is endorsed by both The British Medical Journal and Oprah Magazine as an important tool for healing back pain and for preserving one’s overall physical coordination and balance.

When: February 13th, and Sunday, Feb. 27th from 12-1pm.

Where: 330 West 38th Street, #805 (Between 8th and 9th Ave.)

The Benefits
• Better balance, coordination and a happier state of mind
• The release and prevention of chronic pain. Bad backs, frozen shoulders, hip and knee problems, stiff necks, chronic anxiety and depression, shortness of breath and severe stage fright are a few of life’s daily challenges that are alleviated through this work
• Greater core strength and a heightened sense of the power that comes with being a bipedal vertebrate. YUP…we’re on two feet folks, count ‘em…two. Learn how to be less reactive and become more responsive and open to your environment.

To reserve your spot or for further inquiry email wendy_allegaert@yahoo.com or call 646-696-0288

About Wendy
An AmSAT Certified Teacher of the Alexander Technique teaching in Manhattan and Queens, Wendy Allegaert completed her 1,600 hr (three year) training with senior teachers John Nicholls and Nanette Walsh and continues to work closely with them as an assistant on their training course, AT-NYC. She loves teaching what this freeingup can 'do' for self expression, self-esteem and PLAY. Also an experienced professional actress and Reiki practitioner, Wendy’s great passion is teaching how the Alexander Technique empowers people in performance on stage…and off.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Alexander Technique

So...I'll tell you what the Technique is NOT. It is not at all, at all, at all like Rolfing, or any other massage therapy, or yoga practices, or surfing or skateboarding or hoola hoops...or anything else found in the Land of OZ. Boy, we sure get busy, huh? I repeat. The Alexander Technique is neither an activity (yoga, pilates, etc), nor is it a therapeutic treatment (Rolfing, massage, acupuncture). So what is it exactly?

The Technique is just that, a literal technique to learn how to be less stressed out. It is a game of stress reduction that will change how you approach pretty much every activity...Every activity. It will inform your yoga practice, your golf game, your writing, your dancing, etc. It will teach you something new about yourself. So, rather than think of it as an exercise class or a therapeutic manipulation, consider AT as a sensory re-education. Because that's what it is. It is a way to learn how to let go of unncessary tension that is messing with our ability to live well. When we are less stressed, we move better, we breathe deeper and our health improves. Lessons teach people how to quite literally shed unwanted and debilitating habits that are interfering with coordination, breathing ...and brain waves. YUP... Sad, but true. Our habits mess with our ability to think for ourselves. Weird. So...Alexander Lessons offer a solution to various problems that stem from 'faulty thinking' or bad habits. And, it will prevent these 'bad' habits from causing harm by drawing attention to them early. Your neck, your back, your shoulders...are yours. Take care of 'em and you'll be a lot happier with them. In the same way we can practice the piano, or practice any other skill...we can practice our own coordination/motor skills. Guiding a student in a simple activity such as moving in and out of a chair, or assisting them while lying quietly on a table, the teacher uses verbal cues and touch to help a student let go of those unconscious patterns of harmful muscular tension that interfere with coordination, balance and breathing. And thought processes. Hmmmm. Giving yourself a strong sense of balance and peace of mind is not gratuitous...it's a birthright. Hope to see you at the studio.

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I want to share a story about an actor's success. Weirdly enough (not), such good news in showbiz often unleashes tremendous anxiety, stress and insecurity. Go figure. Actors are running about the planet hungry for work, auditioning with heart and soul, and being rejected most of the time. Ouch. No mystery to hear rejection then becomes the norm. We are so programmed for disappointment that good news might not even make sense to our central nervous system; when that gig comes we are beyond overwhelmed. Frightened even. YIKES. That fear then takes its toll and robs us of a good time. Muscles bunch up, the performer freezes, stops breathing, stops listening and just stops playing altogether. Uh-oh. No fun here. O mighty Fortune, what now?

Meet Jenny, an exceptionally talented, charming and eager young actor, who has just been cast in a wonderful play that will be running for several months. Eureka. The gig that one dreams about has landed in her lap. Plucked from showcase drivel, she is now working in the Big League. And breathless with excitement (and just slightly freaked out), she shows up at my door for some Alexander lessons. Smart lady, Jenny. In her lessons we work to release that fear, that anxiety and insecurity which all have the potential to unconsciously disrupt her rich sense of fun and play.

How do Alexander lessons keep an actor ready to play? Well, lessons offer an opportunity to come out of old startle patterns that may be entrenched in our view of the world. Hard to have fun when freaked out. Much better to be open and available. Freeing our neck muscles is a surefire way to find that fabulous mojo running up and down the spine, that primal roadway going from our head through our neck and back. In Jenny’s case, her habit of staring up at the world locks her into a rigid “startle” pattern that grossly interferes with that primary control. Being all of 5’2” and ninety pounds wet, Jenny’s world is habitually defined by having to look UP rather than OUT. This habitual and unconscious movement of dropping the head back onto the neck puts unnecessary strain on the whole system; breathing, movement and alignment can all be greatly disturbed by such unconscious movement. So the game, if you will, is to take a habit out of the unconscious and make it conscious. And maybe, just maybe we might stop it. Voila. Life becomes a very different deal. In her lesson I help Jenny to allow for the release of her neck which then allows for her head to move a bit forward and up to the top of her spine. She happily noted the change. “Wow…this is a totally different way of being in the world.” BINGO. And for just a minute or two, this lifelong habit of diminishing herself is put to the side and she enters the room ready to play. Nice way to be in rehearsals for your first Broadway gig, wouldn’t you say?