Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hi Friends. Wow...where does the time go? Can it be almost April? It is, it is. I have always loved this time of year, even as a kid. Living on the East Coast the four seasons have shaped my habitual use as much as anything else. With Persephone's magical return from Hades, the world always seems to burst open overnight, doesn't it? To this day, the scent and sight of flowers popping up out of ground sends a message right through my own spine. Go up, go up...free up...It's spring, it's spring...life...life! Yes...i am drawing on Fantasy Island! The Plane, the Plane! The beauty of possiblity leaves me happy and centered. I want to dwell here (thanks, Emily Dickinson). Here, where I am immediately at ease, poised, empowered, excited and incredibly grounded all at once. I breathe deeper knowing good times are ahead. Seeds ripen to fruits and flowers, catepillars crack into butterflies...Yay! Another winter gone. Life is Biutiful. I now can stop protecting myself from harsh weather and shed the need to do battle. I was never going to freeze to death...but it sure felt like it walking down a New York street in the dead of winter.

So. here's a question for you. What part of you is sitting in the dead of winter, even now? That's what we do you know. We hold, we hold, we hold those places where we shiver in fear, dread and angst. We hide. We doubt. We hold. Until we decide not to. Until we say let's not go there...let's find a lighter space, a stronger space...hey...let's just find space, shall we? In honor of Persephone, my demo is all about finding spring in your step and space in your jaw. Trust me...your lower back will love it too. Come see what this wonderful game of expansion is about.....

Better balance, coordination and a happier state of mind
• The release and prevention of chronic pain. Bad backs, frozen shoulders, hip and knee problems, stiff necks, chronic anxiety and depression, shortness of breath and severe stage fright are a few of life’s daily challenges that are alleviated through this work
• Greater core strength and a heightened sense of the power that comes with being a bipedal vertebrate. YUP…we’re on two feet folks, count ‘em…two. Learn how to be less reactive and become more responsive and open to your environment.

And MORE!!



WHEN: Saturday, March 26th 1-2:15

WHERE: At The Alexander Technique Center for Performance & Development

330 WEST 38TH, Suite 805 (Between 8th and 9th avenue)

Please make a reservation...space is limited and i need a headcount.

Bring comfortable clothing and be prepared to move.

Until next time...hope you're all having a sweet sort of day. It's your day after all. So why not take just a sec and notice where you are in space? Are you pulling up? Falling down? Squeezing, holding and making yourself tense all around?

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

Happy days,

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