Monday, August 20, 2012

August 25th - Stand UP with Freedom and Stay Pain Free

AUGUST 25 1-2:30pm

A Demonstration of
330 West 38th Street, Suite 805

Donation of $15 to Pay for the Space
Reservations are required

You have brains in yoru head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
- Dr. Seuss

To the New York Community...

· Are you in pain from the stress of work & life in NYC

· Do your shoulders, back and neck ache on a regular basis?

· Does life Bring You Down and STRESS YOU OUT?


I loved the article "Stand UP and Stay Pain Free" published in online newspaper Living Healthy. I highly recommend subscribing to this little gem. I get useful tips from this daily reader that keep me grounded, grateful and ever curious about how to stay connected to my lovely self.

"Stand UP Straight and Stay Pain Free" could be the national slogan for AT. And i guess it kind of is. The freedom found with good posture has great long-term effects on your entire System - mental, physical etc....your Whole Self. When we lose touch with how to move on the vertical, we are often compressing the spine, distorting our muscular system, which leaves us quite twisted in a psychic plain as well. Not fun. Not fun at all.

Alexander Lesson anyone?
Over a century old, this hands-on holistic practice undoes those knots,
reduces stress, heals chronic pain and restores our sense of well-being like nobody's business. By developing our awareness, developing and toning our physical core, and creating conscious patterns of movement in daily activity, pain can be healed. Come take the workshop, awaken a new sense of Self that will restore you to sanity in magical time.

In 90 minutes you will begin to....

- develop core strength needed to truly support yourself structurally,
- release unnecessary tension that causes pain and confusion;
- restore balance, and improve your coordination;
- reduce stress;
- reclaim your Wellness.

Being balanced and fully expressive in a bi-pedal world is not a’s our birthright. Learn how to live without pain.

Call Wendy at 646-696-0288 or email for more information.

About Wendy Allegaert (m.AmSAT, AEA, AFTRA-SAG). Formerly a classical flutist, Wendy is a professional actress and stress reduction consultant living in New York City. An AmSAT Certified Alexander Teacher, Reiki Practitioner and A Laughing Yoga Practitioner, Wendy teaches privately and runs workshops throughout the New York area. Wendy loves to teach how to sustain such an empowered presence in life, on stage or off. No joke.

What People are Saying...

I definitely feel great and taken care of and more balanced and good. Thank you so much.

Jasmine Jobity
Entrepreneur, Performer and Founder – Voices in Prosperity

Each time I have a lesson with Wendy it takes me by sweet surprise. Something opens in my body--and my heart--that wasn't expected. Her hands hold a tender power that allows a release of tension and a larger breathing of the body. Wendy has imbued in me a desire to practice in which discipline is accompanied by delight. When I walk into an audition, the accessing of this skill is a feeling of ease that is priceless.

Anne O'Sullivan , Actor

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