Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Alexander Technique

So...I'll tell you what the Technique is NOT. It is not at all, at all, at all like Rolfing, or any other massage therapy, or yoga practices, or surfing or skateboarding or hoola hoops...or anything else found in the Land of OZ. Boy, we sure get busy, huh? I repeat. The Alexander Technique is neither an activity (yoga, pilates, etc), nor is it a therapeutic treatment (Rolfing, massage, acupuncture). So what is it exactly?

The Technique is just that, a literal technique to learn how to be less stressed out. It is a game of stress reduction that will change how you approach pretty much every activity...Every activity. It will inform your yoga practice, your golf game, your writing, your dancing, etc. It will teach you something new about yourself. So, rather than think of it as an exercise class or a therapeutic manipulation, consider AT as a sensory re-education. Because that's what it is. It is a way to learn how to let go of unncessary tension that is messing with our ability to live well. When we are less stressed, we move better, we breathe deeper and our health improves. Lessons teach people how to quite literally shed unwanted and debilitating habits that are interfering with coordination, breathing ...and brain waves. YUP... Sad, but true. Our habits mess with our ability to think for ourselves. Weird. So...Alexander Lessons offer a solution to various problems that stem from 'faulty thinking' or bad habits. And, it will prevent these 'bad' habits from causing harm by drawing attention to them early. Your neck, your back, your shoulders...are yours. Take care of 'em and you'll be a lot happier with them. In the same way we can practice the piano, or practice any other skill...we can practice our own coordination/motor skills. Guiding a student in a simple activity such as moving in and out of a chair, or assisting them while lying quietly on a table, the teacher uses verbal cues and touch to help a student let go of those unconscious patterns of harmful muscular tension that interfere with coordination, balance and breathing. And thought processes. Hmmmm. Giving yourself a strong sense of balance and peace of mind is not's a birthright. Hope to see you at the studio.

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go. ~
- Dr. Seuss

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